July 15, 2020 · 7 min read
Start with the holiest name of ALLAH the Mericful the Magnificent'.
IMAM HUSSAIN (AS) is the son of IMAM ALI (AS). He is the second son of IMAM ALI and FATIMATU ZAHARA (SA). He is the fifth Immaculate (Infallible) and the third IMAM of Shia the School of AHLULBAYT (AS). The majority of sources recorded his birthday on the year 4th of Hijri in the city of Madina and on the 3rd of the month of Sha’baan Al Moa’zzam. Source of Hadith Misbaahul Mujtahid, Shaikh Thosi V2 P 690.
IMAM HUSSAIN (AS) spent 6 years of his age in the time of his grandfather MOHAMMAD (SAWS). The historical sources of Shiite and Sunni express the abundant love of PROPHET (PBUH&HP) to IMAM HUSSAIN (AS). Source of Hadith Manaaqibi Aali Abi Talib (AS) Ibn Shahr Aashub V3 P392.
The prophet of mercy (PBUH&HP) had clearly expressed the IMAMATH of IMAM HASSAN & IMAM HUSSAIN (AS). He peace be upon him said, HASSAN & HUSSAIN are the IMAM whether they stand up or not. Source of Hadith Manaaqibi Aali Abi talib (AS) Ibn Shahr Aashub V3 P394. Also, he says HASSAN & HUSSAIN both are the chief and the masters of the youth of Paradise. Source of Hadith Thabaqaathi Kubraa Ibn Sa’d V6 P 405. At the same time in the Shiite’s & Sunni sources the Prophet (SAWS) in numerous cases had expressed the tragic & heartrending martyrdom of IMAM HUSSAIN (AS) and because of what will happen to IMAM HUSSAIN (AS). He (S) cried. Kulaini- Kaafi V1 P461 to 462.
We can judge the high position of IMAM HUSSAIN (AS) in front of ALLAH (SWT) and the Prophet (SAWWS) on the various important events, especially on the time of his grandfather (SAWWS). In the first occasion the companionship of IMAM HUSSAIN (AS) with the Prophet (SAWWS) in the process of MUBAAHILA, the invitation to the hierarchy of Najraan Christians. As ALLAH the Almighty ordered His Messenger to say to the Christians, you bring your children we will bring our children, you bring your women we will bring our women and you bring yourself, we bring ourselves. Then we do MUBAAHILA to ask ALLAH Almighty whosoever is in falsehood “Oh ALLAH send your curse upon them”. One of them was IMAM HUSSAIN (AS) as our children alongside Prophet (S) had said, which were accompanying by his mother FATIMATUZ ZAHRA (SA) alongside Prophet (S) as our women he said, and IMAM ALI (AS) as ourselves, he peace be upon him said. “Finally, the Christians of Najraan surrendered and withdrew from MUBAAHILA”. On the second occasion as a member of AHLULBAYT (AS) during the revelation of the verses of THATH HIR (purification). The third occasion is in the process of the revelation that the Chapter of Insaan had revealed for the dignity of the AHLULBAYT (AS).
IMAM HUSSAIN (AS) was in the year 60 Hijri after the martyrdom of IMAM HASSAN (AS) reached into IMAMATH. His IMAMATH time was contemporaneous with Mouayia (La). Based on the peace agreement which IMAM HASSAN (AS) did with Mouayia (La), IMAM HUSSAIN (AS) also continued that accord method. Meanwhile his behavior at the same time was dignified and authoritative to Mouayia (La). In a letter which he (AS) wrote in response to the Mouayia (La)’s flattering and hypocritical methods and tensely criticized him. Then memorized him about his crime for the killings of companions and the followers of IMAM ALI (AS) like Hajar bin Adi and Amroo Bin Hamaq and specially his far distance from Islam. He (AS) had counted him the greatest sedition in Islam and the Nation of MOHAMMAD (SAWWS). Source of Hadith Ibn A’sams Al Fothuh-Q 1411P 290 to 291. Upon the death of Mouayia (La) in the year 60 Hijri his son Yazid (La) had taken the throne and he asked IMAM HUSSAIN (AS) for allegiance. Source of hadith Attabaqaatul Kubraa Khaamisatha 1 P442,
IMAM HUSSAIN (AS) responded that we are the family of prophethood and the mine of messenger hood. The Yazid is drunken, debauchee and a killer. Like me, never give allegiance to him. He (AS) emphasized that my salutation upon Islam while this nation would suffer from Yazid as the ruler. Finally, IMAM HUSSAIN (AS) on the 10th day of the year 61 Hijri in the Nainawaa District in Karbala heinously and tragically killed and got the highest rank of ALLAH’S will’ the martyrdom. The Children of IMAM HUSSAIN (AS). He had nine children Ali Akbar and Ali Asghar who were slain alongside their father in Karbala. IMAM ZAIN AL ABIDIN (AS) which the descendant of IMAM HUSSAIN (AS) remained, continued from him and Mohammad. Ja'far died in the lifetime of his father. The milk drinking Abdullah who had been martyred upon the hand of his father by the Yazid army in Karbala. Sakina, Fatima and Zainab. Source of Hadith Amin, Sayed Muhsin Sirah e Ma’soomin V4.